Damascus Project

Members In Discernment

Members In Discernment (MIDs)

What is a member in discernment?


A Member in Discernment (MID) is a member of a local church who is formally discerning a call to authorized ministry. It is an official ecclesial status within the United Church of Christ, and MIDs must be in relationship with their local church governing bodies. Each association or conference in the UCC has its own “Member in Discernment Process” and develops a learning plan with its MIDs in unique ways. 

We offer an “Assessment”option for our Faith Foundations and Ministry Studies Modules and for all Leadership Skills courses. By registering at this level, you pay for an extra layer of learning experiences, including additional instructor time and assignments. You also receive assessments of your work, appropriate for sharing with Committees on Ministry who are evaluating your progress toward authorized ministry. All assessments are based on the UCC’s Marks of Faithful and Effective Authorized Ministers.

Participation in Damascus Project learning intensives does not guarantee one will be approved as a MID. Learners should consult their pastor, the appropriate Committee on Ministry, or the ministry staff person in their regional Conference who works with Committees on Ministry to determine if Damascus Project courses are appropriate for their individual learning needs.

If a learner participates in a Damascus Project course prior to becoming a MID, and you would like MID-level credit for that learning experience, you will need to register for the course again and complete the additional MID work. Whatever you paid for the course the first time (when you were NOT a MID) will be deducted for this second round of learning.

Have questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out. Email or call us at 507-222-0194.